MCA21 mission mode project (MCA21) is your e-governance the beginning by the minister of corporate affairs (MCA) government of India. That is one of the 27 mission mode projects of this national e-governance plan contents.
First to want for your project two applying want for the project in the calendar year 2002, the ministry of corporate affairs was faced with the issue of providing service to around 7.5 lacs corporate entity huge amount f paperwork was to be done. This was to be hope because with globalization and interest shown by foreign companies in India. The number of documents being handled ever as the expectations have been increasing the project was implemented by TATA consultant’s service under a build own operates and transfer (BOOT) model, with job monitoring done by external review.

The second state of the projects is the period January 2013. July 2021 revamp of the MCA21 portal. In these times the MCA21 portal was renewed and the revised portal is more users friendly and explanatory to get an individual visiting MCA21 for the first time. The portal has defined sections linked to the most frequently used functionalities of MCA21 and also a detailed stepwise procedure has been defined to assist the consumers. The consumers’ who are well acquainted withMCA21 portal functionalities have been provided with the quick link to all the section. A special tab investor service was also added keeping in mind the projection of the interest of investors.
The tap consists of a link to all relevant websites link IEPF which help protect the interest of investor challans. The challan system appears to be particularly broken up, really a company secretary (CS) cleared that they pay the fee for the company incorporated registered but the challan does not get generated. This stalls the practice of filing because the challan amount is requested to be filled into the registered application type so with stuck. The challan does appear eventually. However, its nerve racking and irritating and other reasons brought down the rate of company registration from 350 per day to nearly fewer than 100.( 500 companies were incorporated on the day just before MCA system was taken down to get a relaunch.)
Another thing that is broken is the company ROC mapping apparently. They have a search feature where you are able to search for the company with its registration number and (ROC state firm registration number 57600 of the ROC of Delhi) this feature is currently broke up which means several instances, even if the company exists, the system simply say that the company was not found. If you look for the identical company in a different manner (by none for instance) then it is very much there.
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